The Apple Air Tag. It’s super small and very lightweight. Why would this be a concern? Because, it makes it quite easy to attach to almost anything without being detected. It also doesn’t cost much. You can buy one of these for about $30.00, which makes it too easy for bad guys to track your whereabouts, including your car, your home, and anywhere you go.
Most recently, model Brooks Nader says someone dropped an Apple AirTag in her coat pocket while she was at a crowded bar and used it to track her location. When she was almost home, a notification popped up on her phone alerting her to the fact that an unknown accessory had been detected and was tracking her. Whoever put the device in her coat could track her every move.
The AirTag links to a cell phone through the Find my app. Initially, it was designed to help you track your things, but now its being linked to concerns about privacy and safety.
AirTag Car Thefts
Law enforcement agencies have put out warnings across the country to let people know that these AirTags can be used to track cars, which allows criminals to steal the vehicle once they are parked.
What should you do if you find an AirTag on you?
If you find one of these devices or you get an alert on your cell phone, don’t go home! That could let the bad guys know where you live. Instead go to your local police department or a public space, and call the non-emergency police line from there. Ask them to come out and investigate. Each AirTag has a serial number that can help track who owns it.
Technology. It’s getting better and better and scarier and scarier.